Thursday, August 27, 2020

How To Turn Spanish Adjectives Into Adverbs

Step by step instructions to Turn Spanish Adjectives Into Adverbs In English, it isn't unexpected to make a verb modifier by adding the postfix - ly to the furthest limit of a descriptive word. In Spanish, we can accomplish something nearly as simple make a modifier by adding the postfix - mente to a specific type of the descriptive word. Step by step instructions to Use - Mente The - mente is added to the particular ladylike type of the modifier. For instance, the particular female type of ruidoso (uproarious) is ruidosa, so the verb modifier structure is ruidosamente (boisterously). The descriptors with discrete manly and female structures are those whose word reference postings end in - o, for example, quieto (calm). To make the comparing intensifier, change the consummation of - a, for this situation quieta, and afterward include - mente. In this manner the comparing intensifier for quieto is quietamente (discreetly). Since numerous descriptive words have no different manly or ladylike structures, the addition is frequently essentially added to the particular. So the descriptive word triste (pitiful) can be transformed into the verb modifier tristemente, and feliz (glad) can without much of a stretch be transformed into felizmente (joyfully). Instances of Adjectives With Corresponding Adverbs Here are the absolute most basic Spanish modifiers that have relating - mente qualifiers alongside potential interpretations. Note that in a couple of cases the implications of the Spanish qualifiers are not the same as what you would expect basically from adding - ly to the English proportionate descriptive word. abierto (open), abiertamente (transparently, obviously)aburrido (exhausting), aburridamente (in an exhausting manner)alto (tall, high), altamente (highly)cansado (tired), cansadamente (tediously, tediously)comã ºn (normal), comã ºnmente (generally, normally)dã ©bil (frail), dã ©bilmente (weakly)dulce (sweet, kind), dulcemente (pleasantly, gently)equivocado (mixed up), equivocadamente (mistakenly)feo (revolting, horrid), feamente (terribly, badly)grande (huge, incredible), grandemente (very, extraordinarily; to a great extent can regularly be interpreted utilizing en gran parte or principalmente)inteligente (clever), inteligentemente (intelligently)justo (reasonable, simply, careful), justamente (decently, evenhandedly, exactly)lento (gradually), lentamente (slowly)limpio (clean), limpiamente (neatly, with respectability or honesty)lindo (quite, delightful), lindamente (perfectly, elegantly)llana (level, level, unassuming, unobtrusive), llanamente (clearly, in all honesty, straigh tforwardly)loco (insane), locamente (with absence of reasonability or moderation)nuevo (new), nuevamente (once again, once more; a typical method of saying recently is recientemente) pobre (poor), pobremente (poorly)rpido (snappy, quick), rpidamente (rapidly, rapidly)repugnante (hostile), repugnantemente (repugnantly)raro (uncommon), raramente (rarely)rico (rich), ricamente (lavishly, great, abundantly)sano (sound), sanamente (strongly, healthfully)seco (dry), secamenteâ (coldly when alluding to conduct; curtly)simple (basic, simple), simplemente (essentially, straightforwardly)sucio (messy), suciamente (in a grimy or soiled way, meanly)tonto (moronic, absurd), tontamente (moronically, foolishly)tranquilo (peaceful, quiet), tranquilamente (discreetly, smoothly) Maintaining a strategic distance from Overuse of - Mente Adverbs Despite the fact that a - mente qualifier may exist doesnt consistently mean its the main or even the favored method of communicating something. To begin with, in Spanish, more so than English, it isn't unexpected to utilize a verb-modifying phrase despite the fact that a solitary word qualifier may exist. For instance, while baratamente can be utilized to show that something was purchased or made inexpensively, it is progressively regular to state a precio bajo (requiring little to no effort) or even de forma barata (in a modest way). Second, there are a couple of descriptive words that are regularly utilized as verb modifiers despite the fact that different verb-modifying structures exist. Among the more typical are rpido and lento, which can mean quick and moderate, separately, yet additionally quickly and gradually. Spelling and Pronunciation of - Mente Adverbs As in the above instances of dã ©bil and rpido, if a descriptor has a highlight mark, the comparing - mente intensifier holds the complement mark, despite the fact that the verbally expressed accentuation likely will be on the close to-last syllable. Qualifiers in a Series At the point when at least two s: Habla lenta y claramente. (She talks gradually and clearly.)Anda cuidada, dolorosa y pacientemente. (He strolls cautiously, agonizingly and patiently.)Creo que ests equivocado: triste, absoluta y totalmente equivocado. (I think youre mixed up - tragically, completely and completely mixed up.)

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